Some chiral substances with basic nature Separation of enantiomers by capillary electrophoresis using
Author: Amirani ChyoniaAnnotation:
The capillary electrophoresis method is successfully used to separate enantiomers. In electrophoresis, due to certain advantages, cyclodextrins and their derivatives are used as selectors. Cyclodextrins form complexes of different strength with non-covalent intermolecular bonds with individual enantiomers, which leads to the difference in effective shifts of enantiomers and hence their separation. With capillary electrophoresis, it is possible to study such delicate interactions between molecules that, due to the small energy difference, are not possible in any other method, which is a great advantage of the electrophoretic method of separation. The present work presents the separation of nomifensin and mianserin enantiomers, where different types of cyclodextrins are used as chiral selectors. The influence of cyclodextrin size and the chemical nature of substituted groups in the outer layer of cyclodextrin on the ability of chiral detection (selectivity) and the order of migration was determined.
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ზოგიერთი ფუძე ბუნების მქონე ნივთიერების ენანტიომერების დაყოფა კაპილარული ელექტროფორეზის გამოყენებით [ka]