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Construction of mathematical models for Reiner elastic materials
Author: Mariam KokhreidzeKeywords: the Reiner elastic material, cusped prismatic shells
The present talk is devoted to construction, using I.Vekua’s dimension reduction method, for the Reiner elastic bodies, in the some sense linearized case. The shell-like domain Ω ⊂R^3 with both Lipschitz and Non-Lipschitz boundaries is occupied by the Reiner elastic material. In the N-th approximation initial-boundary value problems are posed. The peculiarities of settling the boundary conditions for cusped prismatic shells is discussed in the projection ω ⊂R^2 of Ω
Lecture files:
რაინერის დრეკადი მასალებისათვის იერარქიული მათემატიკური მოდელების აგება [ka]