Forms of diabetes mellitus and their complications."
Author: sergo gegechkoriCo-authors: -
Keywords: diabetes mellitus, ketoacidosis, gestational diabetes
According to the definition, diabetes mellitus is a chronic condition in which blood glucose levels significantly exceed the acceptable level. In the physiological state, glucose is the chief stimulus for the strong secretion of insulin, which is one of the anabolic hormones. Diabetes mellitus is related as a multi-etiological condition, which is expressed by several principal forms: 1- variant with complete insulin deficiency - type I; 2- the state revealed by the residence of insulin receptors - type II; Finally, the current pregnancy with increased glucose level - the so-called Gestational form of diabetes. Such a classification of the current pathology makes it possible to clear-cut the different treatment tactics used in the management of this or that form of diabetes mellitus and the corresponding complications associated with them (type I – diabetic ketoacidosis; type II – hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state).