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electron movement in magnetic field and spin-orbital interaction

Author: bidzina potskhverashvili
Keywords: electron, magnetic field, spin-orbital

Effects accompanying electron movement in electric and magnetic fields are discussed in the paper. Examined are Spin-orbit interaction, which is the basis of a new field in physics, spintronics. The first chapter discusses the non-relativistic limit of the Dirac equation, which reveals the spin-orbital interaction in the task. The second chapter studies the effects when the electron moves only in the magnetic field and is not a member of the spin-orbital interaction in the equation. In the thirds chapter, the electron that moves without a magnetic field and the energy levels for such a case are calculated. The chapter also discusses storable quantities in the case of a symmetric gauge. The fourth chapter, examines a case when an electron moves in both electric and magnetic fields, the result of which is the splitting of energy levels

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