Enhancing the antioxidant characteristics of animal feed by using the Georgian grape seed oil production residues
Author: Tamar AlbutashviliAnnotation:
Enhancing the antioxidant characteristics of animal feed by using the Georgian grape seed oil production residues Nowadays, a lot of attention is paid to the overall health, health and well-being of the living environment of both humans, animals and plants. That is why the improvement of animal feed is one of the challenges, and among them I highlight the issue of reduction of oxidative stress, from which natural or synthetic antioxidants are actively used to protect themselves. It should also be noted that in recent years, the negative effect of synthetic antioxidants has clearly shown us that we can look for natural alternatives of antioxidants in the environment. Natural drugs do not have similar carcinogenic properties to living organisms, which is why some synthetic drugs are prohibited for use in human and animal feed. The aim of our study was to study the potential of natural extracts from Georgian grape seed oil production waste to enhance the antioxidant properties of animal feed. Grape seed oil production waste used in the study was collected from a local winery and subjected to a series of extraction and purification processes to obtain a concentrated antioxidant extract. The activity and effect of other commercial antioxidants were compared with the grape seed extract both in vitro and in vivo. In laboratory studies, the grape seed extract revealed high levels of total phenolic compounds and flavonoids, known for their strong antioxidant activity. Specifically, extracts isolated from safflower whey and other commercial natural or synthetic antioxidants were incorporated into dog food rations and evaluated for their effects on the antioxidant properties of the food. In general, the residue obtained after the extraction of grape seed oil is rich in bioactive compounds with antioxidant properties. Moreover, in vitro assays revealed substantial protective activity against free radicals, indicating its potential to reduce oxidative stress in animals. The results indicate that the addition of residual extract of grape seed oil production significantly increased the antioxidant capacity of the animal feed. The extract revealed high levels of total phenolic compounds and flavonoids, known for their strong antioxidant properties. The use of grape seed oil production residues as a natural antioxidant source in animal feed holds great promise both in the livestock industry and in the improvement of pet food. By incorporating these residues, not only can the antioxidant properties of animal feed be increased, but the dependence on synthetic additives can be reduced, which will increase the growing demand for natural feed additives.
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სამაგისტრო ნაშრომი - თამარ ალბუთაშვილი [ka]