
Thermogravimetry of some manganese-free compounds
Author: Archil BenashviliKeywords: Manganese, thermogravimetry, curve
The aim of the work is to study the physical and chemical characteristics of the events that appear in manganese and its compounds when the temperature changes. At the same time, it is interesting to study the dynamics of phase change processes of manganese compounds at this time. Thermogravimetric research of manganese-free compounds (MnSO4, MnSO4•H2O, MnSO4•nH2O, MnO2 MnCl2, MnCO3) was carried out using a NETSCH STA 2500 Regulus thermal analyzer. We heated the research substances in an air atmosphere in a corundum crucible up to 10000C or up to 5000C, with an increase of 100C per minute. The analysis process was controlled by computer. The main part of the work is the received thermograms, the thermoanalyzer has the ability to display three types of thermograms: 1. Differential heating curve, which reflects the result of thermal effects on a given sample; 2. Mass change curve obtained as a result of thermal impact on the sample; 3. The differential curve of this change, which records the percentage of the rate of change of this mass in the form of a peak at one or another temperature area.