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The impact of social isolation-induced stress on the activity of NMDA- and AMPA-type glutamate receptors in the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex

Author: Giorgi Ananiashvili
Keywords: stress, social isolation, glutamate, receptor, glutamate receptors, NMDA, AMPA, hippocampus, cerebral cortex, prefrontal cortex

Most of the mammals, including humans, are social beings. It is necessary for them to have interactions with other individuals of their own species. Lack of these interactions negatively effects normal functioning and development of an organism. Respectively, when an animal lacks interactions with other individuals of the same species they undergo the process of stress. It is confirmed, that social isolation strongly influences metabolic processes of an organism, in particular functioning of Central Nervous System. There is a considerable amount of scientific data, according of which, long-term social isolation mediated chronical psycho-emotional stress directly effects various parts of CNS and causes some morpho-functional changes in them. In this case, two important regions of CNS are highlighted as they are directly influenced by stress, one being hippocampus and other being prefrontal cortex. In particular, in the neurons of these two regions important stress-induced functional changes are often noticed around the Glutamate receptors. The interest of our research was to determine the influence of long-term social isolation mediated chronical psycho-emotional stress on the activity of NMDA- and AMPA-type glutamate receptors and to compare changes of the respective activity in two regions of brain – hippocampus and prefrontal cortex. Results shows that activity of both NMDA- and AMPA-type glutamate receptors are reliably increased. Furthermore, increase of respective activity is noticed in both hippocampal and prefrontal cortical cells. It is noteworthy, that activity of glutamate receptors is increased significantly in the hippocampal cells. Based on the obtained results, it is probable that long-term social isolation mediated chronical psycho-emotional stress causes activation of AMPA- and NMDA-type glutamate receptors in both hippocampal and prefrontal cortical cells. In addition to that, level of activation is much higher in the hippocampal cells than in the cortical cells

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სოციალური იზოლაციით გამოწვეული სტრესის გავლენა გლუტამატის NMDA- და AMPA -რეცეპტორების აქტივობაზე ჰიპოკამპისა და ქერქის უჯრედებში [ka]

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