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To the approximate solution of boundary value problems for second order ordinary differential equation by multipoint method
Author: Giorgi BuzhghulashviliKeywords: multi-point difference method, class of less smooth functions, numerical realization
The present master work is devoted to study, using T.Vashakmadze mulit-point methodology for findng approximate solution of differential equations, second order ordinary non-linear boundary value problem with Sturm-Luville boundary conditions, Computing programs are constructed and functioning both for single and systems of equations. Case when right part of the equation is less-smooth function is considered. Tables corresponding to the numerical realization results are given.
Lecture files:
ჩვეულებრივი მეორე რიგის დიფერენციალური განტოლებისათვის სასაზღვრო ამოცანის მრავლაწერტილოვანი მეთოდით მიახლოებითი ამოხსნის შესახებ [ka]